Docs Who Lift Podcast: The World Health Organization Review of Non-Sugar Sweeteners

Dr. Matthew NagraPodcasts

In 2022, the World Health Organization published a new review of the research on non-sugar sweeteners and long-term health, in which there were conflicting findings between the randomized controlled trials and observational research on the topic. More recently, they published their guideline on the use of non-sugar sweeteners, advising against their use for long-term weight loss for the general public.

In this podcast episode, I joined Dr. Spencer Nadolsky and his brother, Dr. Karl Nadolsky, on their podcast, Docs Who Lift, to discuss what this means and how I would interpret the findings from the WHO review.

You can listen to it on your favourite podcasting app, including Spotify and Apple Podcasts, and please share and tag us to let us know what you think!