I was recently fortunate enough to sit down and interview Dr. Michael Greger (virtually)! We cover topics including the benefits of plant-based nutrition for people of ALL ages, the controversy around saturated fat and cholesterol, heart disease reversal, and more!
See Dr. Greger’s work at Nutritionfacts.org
Reed Mangels Book on Vegan Pregnancies (mentioned in the interview): https://www.amazon.ca/Your-Complete-Vegan-Pregnancy-All/dp/1507210191
Dr. Matthew Nagra is a Naturopathic Doctor in Vancouver who is passionate about evidence-based nutrition and medicine. In addition to his online and public speaking work, he employs a wide range lifestyle interventions, including plant-based nutrition, as well as physical therapies in his practice to help his patients prevent or recover from chronic illnesses and physical injuries. Holding a Plant-Based Nutrition Certification from Cornell University and the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies, he has penned several articles on the topic, underlining his specialized training in nutrition.