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Become a member of Dr. Nagra’s Nutrition Community today and get instant access to exclusive content:


  • Live discussions with Dr. Nagra on a variety of nutrition and health-related topics.
  • Live Q&As with Dr. Nagra.
  • Exclusive access to an expanding catalogue of educational nutrition-related videos, including previously recorded live discussions and Q&As.
  • Early access to some of Dr. Nagra’s free content.
  • Access to a private Facebook group with Dr. Nagra and other members where you can ask questions and discuss nutrition and health science.
  • And more to help you better understand nutrition science!

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Join now and receive a FREE 10 day trial, and you can rest easy knowing there are no commitment contracts so you can cancel your membership any time without additional charges.

Cost: $12/month (USD)

By joining the community and supporting Dr. Nagra's work, you help to allow him to split his time and resources between his clinical work and his online educational work so he can continue providing accessible nutrition and health information to the public. For that, Dr. Nagra thanks you wholeheartedly.


I’m thinking of running an experiment and starting a private community of nutrition enthusiasts to help them better understand the ins and outs of nutritional science, beginning with just 25 people. As I can no longer respond to all of the messages and comments I receive daily, this can help me ensure I respond to queries from members and will allow me to dive deeper on various topics than I can on social media.

I’m thinking of running an experiment and starting a private community of nutrition enthusiasts to help them better understand the ins and outs of nutritional science, beginning with just 25 people. As I can no longer respond to all of the messages and comments I receive daily, this can help me ensure I respond to queries from members and will allow me to dive deeper on various topics than I can on social media.

The community would include:

  • Bi-weekly live discussions with me breaking down specific nutrition topics
  • Bi-weekly live Q&A’s with me.
  • An up to date expanding catalogue of videos on various nutrition and health-related topics, mostly as recordings of the previous live discussions and early access to some social media content.
  • Early announcements for upcoming speaking engagements or projects I’m working on.
  • Downloadable PDFs of my patient handouts, including “Dr. Nagra’s Guide to Optimal Cholesterol Levels”
  • Direct access to myself and other members who you can freely ask questions to.
  • And more to help you better understand nutrition science!

Become a member today

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