The Allsorts Podcast: Are Oils Inflammatory?

Dr. Matthew NagraHeart Disease, Oil, Podcasts

In my second appearance on The Allsorts Podcast with Desiree Nielsen RD, I discuss everything oils.

Topics include:

  • What’s the deal with no oil plant based diets?

  • The research on the safety + health benefits of consuming oils

  • Why ‘compared to what’ is an important question in evaluating nutrition research

  • What role does fat actually play in the diet?

  • The best oils for lowering risk of cardiovascular disease

  • What is an essential fatty acid and where do we get them?

  • The omega 3:6 ratio. Is it important?

  • The surprising impact of saturated fats on your gut microbiome!

  • Is extra virgin olive oil overhyped?

  • What about coconut oil or MCTs?

  • Where fats fit into my personal diet

  • Whether there is a place for keto diets in clinical nutrition

I hope you enjoy it. Please share and tag both Desiree and I to let us know what you thought!

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