- What protein is
- How much protein we need
- How much protein the average omnivore and vegetarian/vegan consumes
- Incomplete versus complete protein – how people are incorrectly using these terms
- Protein quality – how scoring systems work
- The difference between animal and plant protein when it comes to quality – and what this means for your food selection
- Animal versus plant protein and health outcomes
- Is soy protein safe? (e.g tempeh, tofu and soy milk)
- Best protein swaps you could consider making today
- Animal versus plant protein and performance outcomes (e.g lean muscle and strength)
- Optimizing protein intake for performance
- Take home messages
I hope you enjoy and learn something from this episode. Please let Simon and I know what you thought of it and share it with your friends and family to listen to as well.
Dr. Matthew Nagra is a Naturopathic Doctor in Vancouver who is passionate about evidence-based nutrition and medicine. In addition to his online and public speaking work, he employs a wide range lifestyle interventions, including plant-based nutrition, as well as physical therapies in his practice to help his patients prevent or recover from chronic illnesses and physical injuries. Holding a Plant-Based Nutrition Certification from Cornell University and the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies, he has penned several articles on the topic, underlining his specialized training in nutrition.